Reason why your baby is spitting after you feed them

Babies spitting up milk after feeding is quite a common occurrence. It is one that you might see or hear about more often than not. Your little one might be perfectly content while feeding, but then they throw up, leaving you in a tizzy. New moms usually panic seeing this, but don’t worry we’re here to change the way you feed your newborn forever!

Under normal circumstances, it happens quite a few times during the first few months of the baby’s life. It may be due to several reasons, like overfeeding or the baby gulping down the milk too fast. Their stomachs are quite sensitive too, as right now they are getting used to digesting food. Let’s explore what they need to acclimate to during the stages of feeding and thereby get their full nourishment from their food.

Baby being fed

Two solutions to counter your baby spitting up milk:

1.Giving smaller feeds to the baby throughout the day can help counter this problem. 

2. Burping the baby after feeding is also extremely important, as the baby might throw up milk soon after they are fed. You can gently pat the baby’s back till any stuck gas or air is released. Don’t sit the child on a baby seat while feeding and holding them close will establish a greater connection between you and the baby.

Reflux in babies

Reflux can happen in babies too, just like adults. Spitting up due to acid reflux occurs when the muscles at the top of the stomach are too relaxed, and that’s why soon after feeding the baby throws up. Tip-: If your baby is showing signs of throwing up after eating , you can gently rub their tummies softly in a clock – wise direction. This helps to activate the stomach muscles.

 Important difference between spit-up and vomit

Now, spitting up and vomiting might seem the same, but they are not. Spit up can be just a bit of curdled up milk they consumed, while vomit is usually more forceful, and the quantity of food expelled is more.

These problems usually occur when the baby starts consuming formula milk as usually breast milk takes more effort for the baby to consume and the quantities consumed are smaller in breast milk directly from the breast as opposed to it being bottled. A child’s body takes a while to acclimatize to new concentrated quantities of liquid for the first time. In case you’re planning to mix any formula in the milk or feel that your child is vomiting instead of simply spitting up a little milk now and again,this could reflect a deeper issue and needs your doctor’s supervision. 

Remedies to avoid spitting up

Each child is unique and things that may work for one kid may not work for another. A good way to understand your child’s needs is to try out the following and see what works for your baby.

You could do the following to avoid the baby spitting up after a feeding-

  1. Feed your little one slowly
  2. Feed smaller amounts of formula more often
  3. Hold the baby upright after feeding
  4. Burp your baby after feeding
  5. Don’t move your baby much after feeding. Don’t let them play around a lot either immediately after.
  6. Change the formula if you feel that particular brand is not working for your baby.

When to consult a doctor FOR WHEN BABY IS SPITTING?

If you feel that your baby is spitting up too much and isn’t feeding well, losing weight or not gaining adequate weight one should consult a doctor immediately, preferably your pediatrician.  

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