5 areas of self care we didn’t know about! 

That help improve mood and reduce anxiety during pregnancy

Types of Self Care During Pregnancy

 “Pregnancy mood shifts can make a woman feel stressed and anxious, but there are a variety of things that she can do to feel better and bring greater balance in her nervous system and regulate her emotions.”

The truth is that women today are pushing the boundaries of their work-life balance more than ever, how sometimes with little or no support and we often find ourselves burnt out from the lack of time for ourselves. Self care has different meanings and contexts, however during pregnancy it is deeply rooted in the physical and mental well-being of the mother. Self care can be physically, mental, emotional, spiritual and social. 

  1. Physical self care means slowing down and taking care of your needs. In this digital age of online shopping one can still be working or doing things about the house and have self care products delivered to your house.  Creating self care rituals for yourself is of utmost importance, even if it means simply taking out 10-15 minutes in a day.

2. Spiritual self care is about delving deep into your beliefs and watering the seeds of your inner voice. Whatever your personal belief systems are, this is a great time to create a space for higher contain vibrations and positive affirmations in your life.

  1. Mental self care means taking care of your emotions and mental health.  An estimated 15 to 23% of pregnant women go through anxiety, while an estimated 10% of women suffer from depression during and post pregnancy. Around15% suffer from depression after their babies are born. Taking time to breathe and regulate your nervous system is important.
  1. Emotional self care is about checking in with yourself. It is a vital component of self care and closely with spiritual and mental self care. 

Emotions can be harnessed through breathwork and pranayamas, think of an anxious person and how their breath is fast and short. A happy individual has their breath flowing long and even. To be able to approach emotional health through breathwork is an art and can be learnt with a qualified teacher.

There are other types of self care that help with emotional wellbeing  as well, such as practising;

  • Gratitude, 
  • Journaling, 
  • Practising meditation, 
  • using affirmations, 
  • talk therapy and many others. 

Using these tools as part of your daily routine can transform inner health and help you fill your cup before giving to others.

  1. Social self care incorporates engaging with people outside of yourself and your immediate family. Meeting with your girlfriends or going out to spend a holiday with your extended family can be a welcome change. When one can develop and nurture relationships it can be a form of social self care. It’s a good idea for you to step out and engage in what feel like activities that are ” regular” like hanging out in a fun setting or participating in a painting workshop etc. This will be a change of setting and allow you to feel refreshed.

Here are some other quick and easy ways to pamper yourself during this phase of constant change that are absolutely essential for your health and wellbeing. 

  1.  Sleep – the foundation of self care

During pregnancy, sleep is critical for the well-being of the mother especially as the baby starts to grow. 7-9 hours of sleep is recommended as a healthy amount of time for adequate rest. There is always a difference depending on how well the mother sleeps and her genetics as well. If you’ve been having hip pain or reflux, higher pillows or support between your knees is recommended. 

Initially in the first trimester mother’s tends to feel more sleepy and this improves in terms of the body’s ability to adjust to change. Third trimester is always the hardest with little sleep as your baby kicks around. A great way to support your body is by taking short day time naps, getting a pregnancy pillow and bring consistent with your schedule. 

Self care can be physical, mental, emotional
  1. Eat Healthy to nourish your body and mind

Strength and vitality in the mind and body comes through using nourishing food that is rich in vitamins and minerals. Folic acid, calcium and protein are going to be the building blocks for your baby’s growth and immunity. Choose foods wisely and those that suit you to include all the essentials for your health and your baby’s development. As mentioned here the correct foods can help reduce reflux, keep the constipation at bay and improve haemoglobin levels and create a new beautiful life within you.

  1. Stay Hydrated for internal balance and glowing skin

64-96 ounces of water is said to be the recommended amount that one should be drinking during pregnancy. It is recommended that hydration can be enhanced by the following;

1.Sipping water slowly, allowing it to mix with water.

2.Drinking sips of water every hour

3.Adding a fruit like cucumber or apple slices to create a delicious infusion

4.Drink water as soon as you wake up.

5.As your pregnancy progresses you would like to reduce your visits to the bathroom at night, you would like to reduce your intake of water before bedtime.

  1.  Exercise

Gentle to moderate exercise during pregnancy boosts strength in pregnant women and helps them tone their core and pelvic floor muscles for delivery. 

Exercise is also a great mood regulator as it releases many happy hormones such as endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine.

  1. Keep A Journal

Journaling can be a great tool of release. During pregnancy there are so many emotions and physical changes one goes through. Writing them down can be wonderful therapy for the soul. 

Usually journaling is done first thing in the morning or last thing at night before sleep. It can be used to just write your experiences or express gratitude and manifest positive experience through affirmations.

  1. See a Prenatal Massage Therapist Regularly, use warm oils 

Those aching legs and back deserve a therapy with oil, performed by a trained therapist. This helps increase circulation in the body and brings intense relief as your baby increases in size. 

Warm water baths after an oil massage are recommended.

  1.  Relax in a Warm Bath or epsom salt foot soak

Warm water baths release dirt and grime but it also allows the oil to penetrate the skin’s outer layer helping the new- mum- to -be to unwind after a long day. 

It can be hard to be pregnant and for aching muscles and a heavy belly an anti inflammatory soak in Epsom salt can feel heavenly as the tightness melts away.

Try Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal yoga can bring a balancing influence during pregnancy. It’s an important form of self care where you find both stillness and movement. It enhances cognition but in a safe way through balance, motor movements of both hemispheres and moving strong along with the additional weight. It builds muscles, retains flexibility but keeps adjusting the movement to the mother’s needs. 

What are 3 things a pregnant woman should do to take care of herself?

Self care is an expression of self love. Here are the three ways that one can truly find a holistic path through pregnancy. 

1.Getting adequate balance between rest and excercise

2. Having prenatal vitamins

3.Eat nourishing food 

There is so much one can do during pregnancy yet one should not feel the need to squeeze everything in and thereby getting overwhelmed. 

Choose one or two ways of expressing self care that resonate with you and gradually stagger the others depending on the time and result you desire. There is much to choose from and always room for more self love!

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