Lower back pain during pregnancy is a sign that your baby is growing, however, it can be quite painful and troubling for the mom. It is extremely common to get back pain during various stages of pregnancy, and especially in the later stages and the baby continues to grow in size and your body prepares for labor. During pregnancy, the ligaments in your body naturally become softer and stretch to prepare you for labor. This can put a strain on the joints of your lower back and pelvis, which can cause back pain. Between 50 to 70% of women worldwide suffer from back pain, so it is usually not an issue of concern.

Causes of back pain:

There are quite a few causes that factor into your lower back pain. Women who are most at risk for back pain are those who are overweight or had back pain prior to pregnancy.

Here are a few potential causes of back pain or discomfort during pregnancy:

  1. Weight gain– During a healthy pregnancy, women typically gain between 25 and 35 pounds. The spine has to support that weight. That can cause lower back pain. The weight of the growing baby and uterus also puts pressure on the blood vessels and nerves in the pelvis and back.
  2. Posture changes– Pregnancy shifts your center of gravity. As a result, you may gradually — even without noticing — begin to adjust your posture and the way you move. This may result in back pain or strain.
  3. Hormone changes– During pregnancy, your body makes a hormone called relaxin that allows ligaments in the pelvic area to relax and the joints to become looser in preparation for the birth process. The same hormone can cause ligaments that support the spine to loosen, leading to instability and pain.
  4. Muscle separation– As the uterus expands, two parallel sheets of muscles (the rectus abdominis muscles), which run from the rib cage to the pubic bone, may separate along the center seam. This separation may worsen back pain.
  5. Stress– Emotional stress can cause muscle tension in the back, which may be felt as back pain or back spasms. You may find that you experience an increase in back pain during stressful periods of your pregnancy.
Pregnant mom trying to strengthen back
Pregnant Mamma training with Eudaimom teachers

How to minimize back pain during pregnancy-

  1. Exercise– Regular exercise strengthens muscles and boosts flexibility. That can ease the stress on your spine. Safe exercises for most pregnant women include walking, swimming, and stationary cycling. Your doctor or physical therapist can recommend exercises to strengthen your back and abdomen.
  2. Heat and cold– Applying heat and cold to your back may help. If your health care provider agrees, start by putting cold compresses (such as a bag of ice or frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel) on the painful area for up to 20 minutes several times a day. After two or three days, switch to heat — put a heating pad or hot water bottle on the painful area. Be careful not to apply heat to your abdomen during pregnancy.
  3. Improve your posture– Slouching strains your spine. So using proper posture when working, sitting, or sleeping is a good move. For example, sleeping on your side with a pillow between the knees will take stress off your back. When sitting at a desk, place a rolled-up towel behind your back for support; rest your feet on a stack of books or stool and sit up straight, with your shoulders back. When standing, pull your hips forward and your shoulders back. You may tend to lean back to compensate for your growing belly. Wearing a support belt may also help.
  4. Stretch regularly– Look up the “backward stretch,” the “low back stretch,” and the “standing pelvic tilt.” These strengthen your back and pelvic muscles.
  5. Counseling- If back pain is related to stress, talking to a trusted friend or counselor may be helpful.
  6. Acupuncture– Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine in which thin needles are inserted into your skin at certain locations. Studies have shown that acupuncture can be effective in relieving low back pain during pregnancy. Check with your health care provider if you’re interested in trying it.
  7. Chiropractic support– When performed correctly, chiropractic manipulation of the spine can be safe during pregnancy, but consult with your doctor before seeking chiropractic care.

How can Yoga be helpful?

One of the safest, most effective methods of reducing your back pain significantly is Yoga. Prenatal yoga is highly beneficial with no side effects and plenty of positives! Yoga Asanas that can help with your lower back pain are-

Marjariasana (Cat Pose/Cow Pose)

How to do this pose?

Inspired by cats, this stretch is done by getting on all fours, with equal weight displacement in each limb. Inhale, raise your chin and tilt backwards. Then exhale and pull your abdomen in as if you’re giving your baby with your belly. Continue this 5-8 times.

This posture is only advisable in the first trimester and should be avoided in later stages.


Be careful of keeping your core engaged at all points. When your spine is convex, your belly shouldn’t hang loose. This can increase the pain in the lower back and put increased weight of the baby on the belly. Keeping the abdominal muscles engaged helps increased pelvic strength and also relieves back pain.

Ananda Balasana (happy baby pose)

How to do this pose?

Aptly named, this posture requires lying on your back, raising both your legs and holding them with your hands with an adequate distance between them. It is a gentle and soothing pose which helps in relaxation. It is a relatively easy pose which is perfect for pregnant women.


It’s important that your shoulders remain on the floor or mat at all times, so don’t raise them as you reach forward. Your neck should be touching the ground. Should not be done during the first trimester.

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