Ways to detect early pregnancy

Nervous? Confused? Scared out of your wits? We got you! Maybe you haven’t planned for it, maybe you have and you’re just waiting for the signs to appear. Let us help you out. Deep breaths first!

Most of the time, the question arises whether it is PMS or there’s a baby in the making. The surest way of knowing is a pregnancy test, however there are certain signs that appear early, which indicates a possible pregnancy. Every woman is different, so there can be different signs to indicate pregnancy. You have to be on a lookout for all of them.

We can categorize them into two types, One that appears before you have missed your periods, and few that appear after a missed cycle.

Before you miss your periods, pregnancy can be indicated through these signs.

  1. Tender Breasts– Your breast might feel swollen and tender when you touch them. The areoles might darken a little and become more bumpy. This is a sign that your breasts are getting ready to produce milk.
  1. Sensitivity to smell– You might have a heightened sense of smell, especially to certain food products or essences, which you might not have noticed much before.
  1. Fatigue– You might feel increasingly tired, and even dizzy at times. Your need to rest at regular intervals might be increased as you are tiring easily. 
  1. Frequent Urination– Increased need to pee arises due to the pregnancy hormone hCG, which increases blood flow to the kidneys, causing effective and immediate disposal of waste from the body. The uterus is also growing to accommodate the baby and hence, might put pressure on the urinary bladder, causing the need to pee frequently. 
  1. Mood swings– From anxious to angry in a minute, your mood swings can give you befuddled. It’s best to take things easy, try not to overthink or do something that might cause anxiety. Try to relax and pamper yourself to feel good, and to sleep well.
Pregnancy Signs

Implantation bleeding is one of the rare signs of pregnancy, where the egg implants into the uterus. It usually causes spotting, and the blood is a darker shade than usual. Now, missing a period is one of the major signs that you are pregnant, especially if your periods are regular. However, even that is not a sure shot sign so you need to watch for a few more symptoms like:

  1. Morning sickness– You might feel sick and need to puke, usually early in the morning after waking up. This might occur regularly and continue up till the end of the first trimester. Morning Sickness usually starts about 9 weeks after conception, but may occur earlier than that too.
  1. Aversion to food– Certain food items, their sight and especially the way they smell may make you sick, sometimes even a rehash of morning sickness. Your stomach becomes extremely sensitive to these items and hence might not suit you. Most of the time, this also ends by the first trimester.
  1. Indigestion– You might not be able to digest your food properly, leading to formation of gas, and hence might also lead to heartburn. Formation of gas is a common problem which again leads to bloating.

The above mentioned symptoms sometimes might not be accurate for you and well, you always have a pregnancy test for that. Hope we helped you overcome a few of your fears. If you still have some questions then you can reach out to us below or on eudaimomco@gmail.com. Have a safe, happy and healthy pregnancy!

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