Fitness during Pregnancy

You might be worried about a million different things right now. Your mind is running in overdrive, trying to come up with all possible solutions to any situation that might occur in the next few months to come. The first thing you need to do right now, is calm down, and take a breather.  During pregnancy, your first and foremost concern at any point is ensuring healthy growth and development and inherently, the safety of the baby (Mama instincts! We get it). This is not a news flash as you might already know that exercise and keeping active during pregnancy works wonders for you and your baby. Again, a reminder, the exercise/workout etc should be pregnancy safe.

Precautions to take during exercise during pregnancy

So before starting, here are a few things that you must always keep in your mind-

  1. Talk to your doctor/ob-gyn/healthcare provider before starting any kind of exercise. Go ahead with it only after getting clearance from them and gaining knowledge about how you should go about it, what your schedule should be, limits and precautions, and also what kind of exercises you should avoid.
  1. Stay hydrated at all times. Drink fluids at regular intervals as your body loses fluids during workouts/exercise/yoga.
  1. Avoid overheating at any point. Practice yoga or exercise in a cool room with proper ventilation. Make sure you don’t practice/walk/exercise under heavy sunlight when you are outside. 
  1. Do not overstrain or overstretch yourself at any point. 
  1. Know when to stop. If at any point you feel tired or exhausted, there is no need to push yourself. Take rest, there’s always the next day to work on yourself again.

Benefits of exercise:

Regular exercise during pregnancy can-

  1. Reduce body aches ( we know those aching feet need some respite.)
  2. Increase the chances of having a vaginal delivery( and quicker recovery)
  3. Strengthens the muscles and tissues
  4. Improve energy levels
  5. Help to prevent excess bloating or swelling
  6. Reduces risk of pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes
  7. Prepares body for labor
Benefits of exercise during pregnancy

How much exercise is needed during pregnancy?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) suggests that expecting moms get at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise per day, most (if not all) days of the week. Around 2.5 hours per week is the most recommended suggestion.

What kind of exercise should you do?

Every single body is different, and so is every pregnancy. Barring the general conditions, there might be a few symptoms which differentiate you from other mums or mum-to-be’s. So, it is important to understand your body and the needs of your baby before moving ahead and deciding your workouts.

Here are our recommendations of pregnancy safe exercises-

  1. Walking- It is the best way to get a full body workout! It is non-straining, you can set your own pace, and fresh air is just an added bonus. You also get a change of scenery instead of being cooped up in your house. It is one of the safest exercises and is super simple.Walking in itself is so powerful that it can improve circulation as well as improve stamina. You can control the speed at which you walk and hence it won’t tire you.
  1. Swimming- It is an extended version of a full body workout! The water supports the weight of your growing baby and moving against the water helps keep your heart rate up. It’s also easy on your joints and muscles. If you have low back pain when you do other activities, try swimming. A dip in the pool may also help relieve nausea, sciatic pain and puffy ankles. You’ll find yourself feeling refreshed after a swim.
  1. Low impact Aerobics-Aerobic activities make you breathe faster and deeply and make your heart beat faster. Moderate-intensity means you’re active enough to sweat and increase your heart rate. Taking a brisk walk is an example of moderate-intensity aerobic activity. If you can’t talk normally during an activity, you may be working too hard.
  1. Zumba- Well, it is basically fun and fitness combined. They get the endorphins flowing, making you feel better after every session. However do avoid them in later stages of your pregnancy as balance can be an issue.
  1. Indoor/Stationary cycling- Normal cycling can be dangerous as balancing on roads can be difficult, especially as your center of gravity changes as you progress further in your pregnancy. However, indoor/stationary biking or cycling can work wonders, providing a great workout and is much safer.
  1. Pilates- A pregnancy-appropriate Pilates routine focuses mainly on strengthening your core and lengthening your muscles with low- to no-impact, which will help ease backaches and improve your posture as well as your flexibility (and that all comes in handy during labor). Look for a class tailored specifically to pregnant women or let your instructor know you’re expecting to avoid moves that overstretch or otherwise aren’t compatible with pregnancy.
  1. Yoga- Well, who can miss this? Providing all in one fitness, which also includes mindfulness and ensures your mental wellbeing at the same time. Yoga can work wonders for you and your little one, and help in ensuring a safe and smooth pregnancy plus delivery.

Staying physically active during pregnancy is beneficial for both mom and the baby.

Including some form of exercise most days of the week can help strengthen your core, keep your muscles fit, and your cardiovascular system in a great working order . It can do wonders for your mental health too (get those endorphins flowing!)

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